
I offer services spanning the survey life cycle. I can produce your survey research project from start to finish or help with individual phases, including:

  • Conceptualization and sample design to meet study objectives with high validity and reliability as well as maximum efficiency (i.e. best bang for the buck)
  • Survey questionnaire design and review including cognitive interviews; monitoring/analysis of pilot testing and pretests; programming checks of online survey instruments
  • Survey fieldwork quality control
  • Data weighting strategy
  • Data analysis and reporting including industry-standard disclosure of survey methodology

If your team has little experience with survey research, l'll go under the hood for you and handle the many critically important details. I also work with organizations that have considerable survey savvy but still value my particular services and objective counsel.

In addition to primary research, I also offer:

  • Secondary research - analyzing others' data
  • Independent evaluation of design, procedures and reporting of existing survey projects
  • Instruction in the production and analysis of high-quality survey research
  • Talks about approporiate use of and urgent issues in today's polling

In all my work I abide by the American Association for Public Opinion Research Code of Professional Ethics and Practices and the National Council on Public Polls Principles of Disclosure.


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