Survey research experience
I first became involved in survey research in 1994, when my employer, The Associated Press, joined the TV networks' exit poll pool and designated me a representative. I've helped write many hundreds of exit poll questionnaires and led analysis teams on more than 75 primary and general election nights, now as NBC News manager of election polling and entering my sixth presidential cycle.
At AP I helped set the news agency's strict standards for poll coverage and educated journalists worldwide in how to apply them. In 2004 I became AP's founding director of polling and built a polling unit from scratch into a team respected for innovative and abundant survey research on political, economic and social issues.
I left AP in 2009 and have had my own consulting practice ever since. I'm honored to work closely with esteemed clients who value high-quality survey research. (See a list of my work.)
I've been active in the nation's leading survey research organization, the American Association for Public Opinion Research, including as a past elected member of its Executive Council. I've had articles published in the refereed Public Opinion Quarterly, for which I also serve as a manuscript reviewer. I support the Roper Center Public Opinion Archives, the premier repository for survey questions and answers. In short, I learn a great deal from a lot of incredibly smart colleagues in this profession, and I try to give back at least a little bit.
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